christina_reads May 14, 2012 23:06
genre: fiction, challenge: 12 in 12, genre: chick lit, reviews, country: italy, country: america, era: contemporary, genre: romantic
christina_reads Nov 16, 2011 19:59
genre: historical fiction, country: spain, genre: fiction, genre: alternate history, era: napoleonic wars, reviews, genre: fantasy, genre: paranormal, country: portugal, challenge: 11 in 11, challenge: 100project, country: italy, era: 19th century, country: england
christina_reads Sep 21, 2011 18:05
era: ancient world, genre: historical fiction, genre: fiction, challenge: 100project, country: italy, reviews, genre: mythology
christina_reads Jun 20, 2011 22:11
genre: historical fiction, genre: fiction, reviews, challenge: historical fiction 2011, challenge: 11 in 11, country: italy, era: 18th century, genre: romantic
christina_reads Mar 03, 2011 14:33
genre: historical fiction, books: series, genre: fiction, reviews, genre: fantasy, challenge: historical fiction 2011, genre: steampunk, genre: paranormal, challenge: 11 in 11, country: italy, challenge: five and dime, genre: romantic, challenge: steampunk, country: england, era: victorian
christina_reads Dec 04, 2010 14:18
genre: historical fiction, genre: fiction, reviews, tbr shelf, challenge: 100project, challenge: 1010 category challenge, country: italy, era: 19th century, country: france, country: england, era: victorian
christina_reads Oct 11, 2010 12:45
genre: historical fiction, genre: fiction, challenge: year of the historical, reviews, challenge: 1010 category challenge, country: italy, era: 19th century, country: america, era: civil war, genre: romantic, country: england, genre: coming-of-age